Free streaming site for darker than black
Many people love anime, but do not know where to watch darker than black. There are many free streaming sites out there, but the best one I have found is http://www.primewire.ag/watch-1734-Darker-than-Black . It’s a great site for watching older series and movies.
You don’t have to sign up, pay money, or do anything except choose an episode to watch. You can look through the genres of anime that are available, pick a show that you want to see, and start watching! They have hundreds of shows including darker than black. The site has no ads so you don’t have to put up with any while watching anime. I have been using the site for a long time and have loved it so far.
The show and its premise
Darker than black is a show about the star of the show, Hei. He has an ability that he uses to fight crime as a vigilante. In one episode he punishes those who traffic people by making them addicted to drugs and then letting them die from withdrawal. In another, he fights against those who sell slaves in order to punish them for their crimes. Throughout the show there is a lot of action and much more drama than I can discuss in this article.
Why people should watch it
This anime has action, mystery, romance, and even comedy! Each episode will keep you on your toes as you wonder what will happen next. In every episode something new happens that there is no way to guess what happens next. I personally love the action scenes as they are very well done and it makes me wonder how they made them so good looking. In addition, you will fall in love with all of the characters as each has a unique personality that will make you enjoy watching this anime!
The show’s synopsis
Darker than black takes place in an alternate world where superhumans called contractors exist. Contractors have the ability to manipulate matter and energy when they are in shadows or darkness. Hei is a contractor who uses his power for good, but many other contractors use their powers for evil and crime. The show starts off with Hei trying to capture a contractor who is controlling a person to cause destruction. As the show goes on, more mysteries about Hei and his past are revealed. When a special “doll” appears, she points out that Hei has a brother which causes him to question himself and why he became a contractor in the first place.
Where to watch darker than black
The streaming site that I talked about in this article is the best one that you can find. While it does not have ads, it has every single darker than black episode along with all of the other shows in its library! If you want to watch darker than black in high quality and without ads, then this place is perfect for you. All you have to do is choose a show that you want to watch and it will play in either high, medium, or low quality. The site’s default is medium quality.
The site can be found at http://www.primewire.ag/watch-1734-Darker-than-Black and you don’t have to sign up or pay money in order to watch anime! You don’t even have to download anything which makes this site the best one for watching anime.
I hope that this article was helpful to you and I hope that this will be the only site that you will use to watch darker than black. You don’t have to put up with ads while watching anime if you choose to go on this site. This is a great site for watching any anime that you want to watch and it is the only one that I will ever use.