This guide is relatively short, but contains a lot of information. This can be used to brush up on some concepts before diving into VRChat, or during the first few days of joining this rapidly growing social community. It doesn’t cover everything, but it should prepare you for the more common activities within VRChat.
Before jumping into VRChat, I would recommend getting familiar with navigating in Windows. You will be using your keyboard and mouse quite a bit in VRChat. Make sure that you know how to use Alt+Tab to switch between applications properly before starting VRChat.
how to add someone on vrchat
In the top left of the VRChat window is a chat box. This is where you can see what other people in your current virtual space are saying. In the bottom right, you will notice a menu button. This can be used to open or close various menus, such as your friends list and random user list. The number next to this menu button indicates how many people are in your current space.
How to navigate with WASD + Left Mouse Button
W-A-S-D on the keyboard allow you to move your avatar around in VRChat, while your mouse allows you to look around. When pressing W, A, S, or D without holding left click, your avatar will only move slightly. If you hold down the left mouse button while pressing these keys, you can run or dash in whichever direction is pressed. This may take some time to get used to, but it’s very versatile once mastered.
How to communicate with others
The chat box on the bottom left of the screen allows you to communicate with other people in your current space. There are 3 tabs: say, teamspeak, and party.
Say is the default tab, and what you should be using the majority of the time to communicate with other users in VRChat. When entering text into this box, whatever you type will be sent as voice chat to anyone else within earshot. If you want to communicate with someone that is out of arms reach, i would recommend switching to party chat or TS (text and voice chat, respectively). When typing in the say box, “say” followed by any text will cause your avatar to speak what was typed as voice chat.
Party chat allows you to communicate with anyone in your party. If you create a new party, or receive an invite to a party while within VRChat, you will see the number of people in your current space increase. Press T to switch between say and party chat.
Text chat allows you to communicate with people that are not in VRChat at this time through the text box in the bottom left of VRChat. This is the only way to communicate with users that are not in VRChat at this time.
How to teleport within a space
One of the most critical components of communication is being able to move around together as a group effectively. Teleporting around a space allows everyone to travel quickly and efficiently where they would like without bumping into each other.
To teleport, press T to open the chat menu and switch to text chat. Type “tp” followed by a space, then where you would like to move your avatar. For example, if I wanted teleport to my friends location, I would type ‘tp sdfasf’ in the text box at which point my avatar would instantly teleport.
VRChat is a social game, and requires communication to succeed. Familiarizing yourself with the controls for this game will make playing it much more enjoyable. The community is relatively mature overall (if you don’t act like an idiot). Try not to be mean to people in the chat, and if you ever feel uncomfortable give people negative reputation or block them.